How to take care of those experiencing bereavement (or significant loss) as a Leader.
These were incredibly challenging times for the individuals impacted, and you won’t know their pain or distress. As a Leader, you need to recognise that you need to be able to handle this situation and support them in the way they need. These are the moments that matter, and these are the moments that those facing these life-changing events will remember you for.

Creating Purpose for Priorities and Performance.
When you are running a department or team, goals may be identified for you from an organisational strategy, but sometimes they come from a focus identified by you or your team.
We can have many brilliant ideas every month, week, day, or hour but how do we make sure we are choosing to focus on the right things, and how can we give the right focus to our team.
This is where purpose comes in.

How to Have Conversations about Racism with Your Team.
In this Leadership Guide, I share how you can start to have conversations with your team about racism with the aim of enabling action.
Thank you to Tara Leach for collaborating on this important edition.

Creating a well-being plan for your team.
Create a well-being plan with your team - the steps to build and embed a plan that works for you all.

June 2023 – Understanding well-being as a Leader.
With greater emphasis on the types of flexibility and support we could achieve, paying attention to the experience of colleagues has never been more critical. Well-being and well-being at work have never been more important to the overall experience.

May 2023 - How to have brilliant performance conversations.
For this month’s Purple Sky Thinking for Leaders, we are going to focus on 1:1 performance conversations, not every interaction, but I would encourage you to get into the mindset of considering every interaction as a performance conversation. If you do this, they become less of an event and more of a continuation, just part of how you lead your team.
The aim of this edition is to enable you to build your own structure for brilliant 1:1 performance conversations. This isn’t about the ‘annual performance review’ if this is something your organisation has, but if these 1:1 performance conversations are done really well throughout the year, you’ve created great foundations for that process too.

March 2023 - How to prepare for conversations about racism.
Welcome to March’s Purple Sky Thinking for Leaders. Each month, this self-guided learning resource is an opportunity to discover a new way of doing something or to reflect on and refresh how you currently approach an aspect of your leadership.
In last month’s edition, we looked at ‘Building the foundations for brilliant conversations’ as an important step to leading successful conversations with your team about racism.
Racism continues in our organisations and society; you only have to look at the recently published report into The Met by Louise Casey to see that these issues are still prevalent and wide-ranging. We are all responsible for understanding, recognising, confronting, and changing it. We must face it, and as leaders, we are responsible for seeking out and removing the circumstances, behaviours and systems contributing to and maintaining racism in our workplaces.
By focusing on racism, I want to bring it forward as a conversation that matters and a conversation you should be leading with your team. This is about tackling racism in your work so you and your team can demonstrate you are actually doing that, changing the way things are done and influencing culture for long-term change.

February 2023 - Building the foundations for brilliant conversations.
In this edition, I’ll be sharing some ideas about how you can build the foundations for brilliant conversations, as next month we’ll focus on how to have a conversation with your team about racism.
To have productive and transformative conversations about important topics such as racism, your team must be able to handle it.

January 2023 - Purple Sky Thinking for Leaders.
My monthly leadership learning blog - a self-guided learning resource for leaders. In January 2023 we are looking at how best to Review, Reflect and Re-engage.